that'd be "return" in Thai
For any strangers reading this, I've been looking forward to a Christmas trip home for a few months now. I'm nervous about how things will be. I've adjusted so much to this culture that on one hand, I feel like I've let go of some of the things that made me "American." On the other hand, maybe I'm more "American" than ever because I've seen the culture from another perspective. What do they say? You can't ask a fish to describe water. Hmmm... So, I leave in less than a week and I'm a little nervous. This year has been mighty full.
For non-strangers: Change of plans in Operation Glup. Due to the kamakaze nature of winter weather and the danger of a lone gal driving across the country, I'll be flying on the final leg. Oh, that Springfield airport. I'm glad because it means less time driving. But oh, I was looking forward to that time driving!
Endless icy miles and a radio. *drooling* Soon enough.
Oooooh think my ride is here.